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Generate Custom Elements wrappers for Angular, React, Svelte and Vue.


plasma is the imperative form for the Italian verb plasmare, to shape in English.

Plasma transformations are based on Custom Element Manifest (CEM) specifications. The CEM is a JSON files that describes a Custom Element, its properties, events and slots. Plasma uses the CEM to generate wrappers for the supported frameworks.

You can generate the CEM for most of the Web Components library using this Analyzer.


Plasma is published to the NPM registry

npm install @chialab/plasma -D
yarn add @chialab/plasma -D
pnpm add @chialab/plasma -D


Plasma will try to autodetect the custom elements manifest (custom-elements.json) and will read the entrypoint from the package.json if not specified. The output directory will be ./dist/[framework] by default.

npm run plasma

Released under the MIT License.