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Dev server for web apps

The Web Dev Server is a server thought for web dev environments. It loads JavaScript modules without the need of a bundler, and it execs a little number of transformation in order to provide a great experience.


From WDS:

  • Cold start
  • Transform TypeScript, JSX and proposal via esbuild
  • Node modules resolution
  • Auto reload on change
  • Hot Module Replacement (esm-hmr proposal)
  • SPA routing

From RNA:

  • CSS live reload
  • CSS @import modules resolution
  • cjs to esm converter on the fly


The RNA dev server can be installed with the following preset:

npm i -D @chialab/rna
yarn add -D @chialab/rna
pnpm add -D @chialab/rna

Run the dev server:

npx rna serve src
yarn rna serve src
pnpx rna serve src

You can also specify a custom port using the --port N flag.

Legacy browsers

Sometimes you may need to support legacy browsers. Since the Dev Server is based on ESM support, in order to work in Internet Explorer or Safari 9 it needs to transpile and convert the module system.
Installing the legacy plugin will enable the convertion of ESM modules to SystemJS and it will inject required polyfills for Promise and fetch.

npm i -D @chialab/wds-plugin-legacy
yarn add -D @chialab/wds-plugin-legacy
pnpm add -D @chialab/wds-plugin-legacy

Dev server as service

The Dev Server can be used as a service for other stacks. The serve command loads a RNA config object (using the --config flag or looking for rna.config.js file in the project) and reads the entrypoints option in order to generate a JSON files with all the required references.

For example, the following configuration:

export default {
    entrypoints: [{ input: 'webroot/index.js' }, { input: 'webroot/index.css' }],
    format: 'esm',
    entrypointsPath: 'webroot/entrypoints.json',
rna serve --port 3000

will generate the webroot/entrypoints.json file with contents:

    "index": {
        "format": "esm",
        "js": ["http://localhost:3000/__web-dev-server__web-socket.js", "http://localhost:3000/index.js"],
        "css": ["http://localhost:3000/index.css"]

Then, you can read this file and load resources in your PHP application:

{% set entrypoints = 'webroot/entrypoints.json'|file_get_content|json_decode %}
{% for script in entrypoints.index.js %}
    <script type="module" src="{{ script }}"></script>
{% endfor %}
{% for link in entrypoints.index.css %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ link }}">
{% endfor %}

Here is a list of RNA-based helpers for common frameworks:

Released under the MIT License.